Getting to UCLA by Car

Getting to campus is easy in a car.  However, if you live close by, we recommend alternative transportation methods such as walking, biking or utilizing public transportation.  If you must drive, please carpool.  The parking fee is $10.

Driving Directions to UCLA Anderson
Northbound: Take Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) north, and exit at Sunset Boulevard. Turn east (right) onto Sunset at the end of the off-ramp. Turn south (right) onto Westwood Plaza, and proceed to the parking kiosk or follow the directions for Pay-By-Space in Structure 4. 

Southbound: Take Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) south, and exit at Sunset Boulevard. Turn left at the end of the off-ramp and turn east (left) onto Sunset. Turn south (right) onto Westwood Plaza, and proceed to the parking kiosk or follow the directions for Pay-By-Space in Structure 4.

Once you arrived at Structure 4, please follow this map or posted signs to Alumni Plaza and Korn Hall.

Getting to UCLA by Public Transportation

UCLA is conveniently served by six public transportation authorities.  They include the Big Blue Bus, Culver City Bus, LADOT Commuter Express, Metro, Santa Clarita Transit Bus, and Antelope Valley Valley Transit Bus.  Check your local lines, or click here for an interactive map.   

Need a Map? We've got you covered.