What is Food 2.0?

On May 12th UCLA Anderson will host a symposium entitled, Food 2.0: Sustainable Agriculture, Social Entrepreneurship and the Future of Food.  This will be the second annual event to cast a spotlight on the thought leaders and social entrepreneurs who are reinventing the food we eat, the beverages we drink and the systems that nourish our communities. It is a rare opportunity to explore the connection between profits and purpose and how we can strengthen community through sustainable business.

The event is focused on exploring market trends, anticipating new innovations and showcasing the dynamic and entrepreneurial food and beverage industry in Southern California.  It will include a panel and a food sampling expo that will showcase some of the leading companies in the LA area whose healthy products are driving the marketplace.   The organizers expect a critical mass of people – including UCLA students and faculty as well as business executives and entrepreneurs, bloggers and journalists, hard-core foodies and causal omnivores from across the surrounding community – to come together for a day of insightful conversation and hands-on interaction.   

When is Food 2.0?

The event is open to the public and will be held May 12th at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Westwood, California.  Panel events will be held in Korn Hall and the Sustainable Food Expo will take place just outside Korn Hall in Alumni Plaza.   

11:30am-12:30pm: Panel: The Business and Policies of Sustainable Agriculture  (Room C315)
4:00pm-6:00pm:  Sustainable Food Expo (Alumni Plaza)


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